Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hate Was Here

An act of hate occurred today on the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, Minnesota. A campus ministry organization called Proclaim invited a group to the campus via a church in the local city of Mankato called the New Creation Church. Throughout the day, the group blasted preaching messages loud enough to hear across the campus. It was by about 1:00pm that the group took their message to another level.

The group's leader told his listeners to purge the homosexual scourge of the Gustavus campus (a campus with a strong queer support system and an active and vocal campus Queers and Allies organization, as well as a mostly supportive administration), and brought up a man to testify about being an ex-gay, and that others can become ex-gay too.

Thankfully, as Fred Phelps and his "God Hates Fags" crew have taught us, these organizations usually fight against their purpose with their very presence. With their actions, comes an equal and opposite reaction. Queers and Allies is on the case.

I am a student at Gustavus Adolphus College. I was not aware when I woke up this morning that I would be hands-on combating mass-scale homophobia by the end of the day. We at Queers and Allies will be working on plans for further action.

More to come.


  1. I wonder if smaller scale organizations like this realize they "fight against their purpose with their very presence," as you so elegantly stated. I know the Westboro Baptist Church realizes this... they've said so in interviews.

    I learned at club today that the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at my school requires you to sign a contract including that you "don't support the choices of practicing homosexuals" in order to become an official member. I was totally blown away because almost all of my community is Christian-identified and fairly active in various congregations, many of which are (relatively) inclusive, though many aren't. Aside from the blantant homophobia, I was disturbed that FCA would exclude interested members because they're allies. I get really angry and disappointed when people encourage to the "Christians are closed-minded" stereotype.

    Keep us updated on your response(s)!
